Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

In any area of the economy where the government subsidizes, regulates and meddles, wheather it be the health care industry or college education, it always leads to skyrocketing costs, lost of freedoms, and the distortion of the marketplace as it ought to be.

What we have now is an industry that has gotten less personal and more about the costs and where the approval for such care is going to come from, instead of the quality of the care given. The ability for people to make decisions, to take care of themselves and make choices on heath issues has been effectively taken away from them.

By subsidizing the health care industry and by regulating it, we have gone to the most open, affordable and free industry to one that has failed miserably and is so expensive that it has led to medical costs being the number one reason for personal bankruptcies in this country. It has left both sides of the aisle patients and doctors alike disgusted.

The answer is not more regulations, obamacare, or mandates. It instead lies in a private patient doctor relationship where the market determines what the prices ought to be.


Repeal obamacare, end the unconstitutional mandates that require all American to purchase health insurance or face penalties enforceable by the IRS. This mandate will only lead to more small businesses that are responsible for MOST of the REAL job creation in this country to not only cease to hire people but, lay off people

Stop the FDA from getting involved in people's abilities to get real supplements and seek the path of natural health and nutrients.

Codex Alimentarius must be repealed

The FDA and the Department of Agriculture have to be gotten rid of
Provide a clear path for those who want to seek the help of and for those who want to practice as a Homeopathic physician.
